

Port Of Rotterdam On A New Course

The Port of Rotterdam Authority starts a new campaign which aims to strengthen the brand ‘Port of Rotterdam’ around the world.  The pay-off ‘Change Your Perspective’ will position Rotterdam as a ground breaking port, in order to emphasise the added value of the port for existing and potential customers worldwide. The new campaign was kicked off by new chairman Steven Lak during the annual dinner of Deltalinqs, the employers’ organisation of the Port of Rotterdam. It is the first time that the Port of Rotterdam will be positioned as a clear brand for the entire port area.
鹿特丹港务局启动了一个新的项目,旨在强化鹿特丹港在世界各地的品牌。为了强调鹿特丹港为世界范围内现有和潜在的客户带来的附加值,付费节目"改变您的观点"将鹿特丹港定位为具有突破性的港口。在鹿特丹港雇主组织机构的Deltalinqs周年晚宴上,新上任的主席Steven Lak拉开了这一活动的序幕。这是鹿特丹港在整个港区范围内首次被定位为一个清晰的品牌。