

Nirint swaps Moerdijk for Maasvlakte

From the start of next year, Rotterdam shipping company Nirint will use the Rhenus Deep Sea Terminal on the Maasvlakte instead of Moerdijk. The Nirint vessels have called at the latter port, with its far inland location, for sixteen years in a row.
Nirint provides services to ports including Saint Petersburg, Bilbao, Havana and Moa in Cuba and La Guaira and Puerto Cabello in Venezuela. The shipping company also links the latter two countries to Canada via a nine-day service to Halifax. The first ship to be handled by Rhenus instead of CCT is the ‘Neerlandia’, a multi-purpose ship with its own cranes and a container capacity of 766 TEU. The Nirint fleet comprises a total of eleven similar ships with a container capacity of around 750 to 1050 TEU.
Source:Nieuwsblad Transport 
    从明年开始,鹿特丹海运公司NIRINT将使用Maasvlakte 上的Rhenus深水码头上,而不再是Moerdijk。凭借Moerdijk深入内陆的地理位置,NIRINT连续16年都要求船舶在此靠泊,并取得了不错的成绩。
来源:Nieuwsblad Transport 