


 SISI Specialised Seminar

 主   题:解读IMO新脱碳规定及欧盟排放交易体系

 Subject:IMO's New Decarbonization Regulations and EU's Emissions Trading Scheme


 Speaker: Prof. Martin Davies


 Professor of Maritime Law and Director of Tulane Maritime Law Center of

 Tulane U. Law School  


 Titulary Member of the Comité Maritime International


 International Maritime Arbitrator and Lawyer



 时    间:2024年3月6日(周三)下午14:30—16:00

 Time:2:30 p.m.- 4:00 p.m., 6th MAR. 2024 (Wed.)

 地    点:上海市虹口区峨眉路315号2楼

 Venue:2F, 315 Emei Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai


 Host: Shanghai International Shipping Institute

 协办单位:  世界海事大学上海中心

 Co-organizer:World Maritime University Shanghai Office


 Register:The number of available seats for attendance is limited. Please

 scan the QR code to complete the registration before 4th March.


 Parking Notice: The location of the event is in a building with limited parking slots, so it is recommended to use green transportation options.

 会务联系人:户老师  156-1852-8115  xhuleo@sisi-smu.org  

 Contact: MR.Hu, Mobile: 156-1852-8115, E-mail: xhuleo@sisi-smu.org