

January-February import growth uneven at US ports, but volumes to rise

     CARGO volumes are expected to increase this year, according to panellists attending the 12th annual "Pulse of the Ports Peak Season Forecast" held at the US west coast port of Long Beach.

     Economist Mario Moreno of IHS Maritime & Trade, predicted that containerised imports from Asia will rise by 5.5 percent in 2016, reported Massachusetts-based Logistics Management.

    "The uneven global economy, strong US dollar, opening of the Panama Canal and the introduction of mega-sized container vessels to US ports has created dynamic conditions for the maritime industry that will continue to play out over the next two years," said the Long Beach port CEO Jon Slangerup.

    Imports through the port of Los Angeles rose 36 percent from January through February, and by 30 percent at the port of Long Beach, compared with the same period in 2015. The port of Oakland saw a 52 percent increase in import TEU over this timeframe, according to market intelligence compiled by Datamyne.
    The US east coast port of New York/Newark achieved a five percent increase in import volume, while the port of Norfolk in Virginia saw traffic rise by 17 per cent during the first two months of the year, but Houston's volume fell by four percent. At the port of Savannah volume was up nine percent, year on year.