LMAA-SMU Serial Webinars on International Maritime Arbitration 2020
1st Webinar: Current Shipbuilding Issues
LMAA’s 60TH Anniversary
上海律协 SBA
上海仲裁委 SAC
支持/Supporting organisations
上海国际航运研究中心(SISI) 上海世界海事大学中心(WMU Shanghai)
14:30-14:35:开幕致辞,上海海事大学副校长施欣和LMAA现任主席布鲁斯.哈里斯(Bruce Harris)致欢迎辞
14:35-14:55:LMAA前主席伊恩•高恩特(Ian Gaunt)将就造船合同下造船厂和买方义务的担保问题发表演讲
14:55-15:15:4 Pump Court辩护律师事务所大律师安德鲁•史蒂文斯(Andrew Stevens)将阐述为何最近英国高院的江苏国信案判决对中国造船企业具有重要意义,特别在延期权和阻碍原则方面,他还将谈及远程开庭等问题
15:15-15:35:英士律所(Ince)的合伙人克里斯.基德(Chris Kidd)将探讨如何使用造船合同来控制因Covid-19延迟造成的影响,他将特别关注不可抗力通知、检查、测试和试验、违约赔偿金索赔和合同终止等事宜
The LMAA is pleased to present together with Shanghai Maritime University the first in a series of 3 webinars which will be streamed on 15, 22 and 29 September 2020.
The first webinar will be devoted to current shipbuilding related issues, the agenda of which is as follows:
15 September 2020 (Tuesday), 14.00-14.30pm (Beijing time, GMT+8), online registration,
14:30-14:35 Welcome by Xin SHI, SMU Representative and Bruce Harris, President of LMA
14:35-14:55 Ian Gaunt, Past President of LMAA, moderator and speaker in 1st webinar. His presentation will cover issues concerning guarantees given for obligations of shipyards and buyers under shipbuilding contracts. Ian has long been a full time maritime arbitrator of the London Maritime Arbitrators Association, and has acted as arbitrator in a significant number of shipbuilding cases many of which have involved PRC shipyards. He is co-author of the highly respected book Law of Shipbuilding Contracts (5th edition, published in May 2020).
14:55-15:15 Andrew Stevens, Barrister of 4 Pump Court, speaker in 1st webinar. His presentation will address why the 2020 Jiangsu Guoxin case is important – especially for Chinese shipbuilders as regards
entitlement to extensions of time (generally and under the SAJ form) and notice requirements, the prevention principle in shipbuilding cases and remote hearings. Andrew is a commercial barrister who regularly acts for Chinese parties in arbitration and litigation around the world. He specialises in shipping, shipbuilding and offshore project, and has extensive experience of LMAA arbitration.
15:15-15:35 Chris Kidd, Partner of Ince law firm, speaker in 1st webinar. His presentation will cover using the shipbuilding contract to manage the impact of Covid-19 delays and issues of force majeure notices, inspections, tests and trials, claims for liquidated damages and termination. Chris is the Head of Shipbuilding and Offshore Construction Dept. and Joint Head of Energy & Infrastructure Dept. in Ince law firm.
15:35-15:45: Q&A (Nb. webinar will be recorded)
‍Pre-registration (for information to attend webinar)